Crowd funding appeal to send 12 people to watch the Special Olympics in August 2017.

Our members committee have put forward a suggestion for a group of our members to have the opportunity to go to the Special Olympics that are being held in Sheffield in August.  We took some members to the Games in 2013 and they loved it and were really inspired by it. This would be a fantastic opportunity for 12 of our members, who are keen to watch their peers take part in accessible sporting activities.  The Games welcome over 5,000 family members and friends to the stands to cheer on and celebrate the athletes, we would love for our members to be part of the excitement of this fantastic event.  For some this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity, a trip like this will encourage our members to think about healthy living and exercise, it is an incredibly important part of the charity activity; educating members on the importance of looking after themselves physically, whilst making it fun and engaging. Therefore we have set up a crowd funding page on two online fundraising providers.  

We would be really grateful if you were able to help make this happen, we have set a target of £750 to enable their travel and accommodation costs to be subsidised, if you would like to donate you can do so  via our JustGiving or Localgiving pages.  


Start fundraising with JustGiving